Whatever happens, don't go to Lola Sayong Eco-surf Camp
Do you really wanna know why? Read on, curious cat. 1) It is located at the south eastern tip of Bicol in Luzon. It's a 14-hour butt numbing bus ride and you'll pass by gorgeous mountains and beaches along Atimonan, Quezon. Kuya Emil playing the Ukelele. 2) This place is so chill you wouldn't dare go anywhere else. Trust me. My plan was to check out the next day and visit some nearby provinces BUT. THAT. DIDN'T. HAPPEN. I ended up staying here from Wednesday til Friday. Lola Sayong Eco-Surf Camp is all about good times and good vibes! <3 Sleep, chill, or read a book in a hammock under the coconut trees. 3) ..and when I say chill, I mean it. No internet access (for Globe users), no TV, no fancy hotels. Disconnect yourself from social media and technology and get ready to be welcomed with something better: kubo, beach front, coconut trees, detox area where you can't smoke, drink alcohol, or play loud music. You can't use your b...